When you apply for a Visa for study or work in most countries, you will have to go through a personal interview at the embassy or consulate. For those who wish to work or study abroad, the Embassy Interview or Consular Interview might be scary. Gem Alliance Embassy Interview Training - The mode and duration of the embassy interview depends upon several factors like the type of Visa applied for, the country of choice etc.
The Embassy Interview Training at Gem Alliance helps our students face the Embassy Interview with great ease. You will be geared up to face the interview with ease. The questions asked at the consulate could include queries on your backlog, plans of study of work, intended duration of stay, financial backgrounds etc. Sometimes the consular staff might seem to be taught. Remember that they just want genuine students to get a visa so try to be as strict as possible in this matter. They are kind enough to give you a visa if you are genuine student who has an intention to enter the foreign country for study purpose.